Drama Studio

The University of Sheffield Drama Studio is a first class venue consisting of a 200 seat theatre, 2 rehearsal studios and other production facilities. It is housed in the former Glossop Road Baptist Church (opened in 1871) and was converted into a theatre in 1970.

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The Drama Studio has been at the centre of the performing arts community for both the University and the local area for more than 40 years. Each year over 40 productions are staged at the Drama Studio and it has the most varied and busy programme of drama, dance, opera and music in the city.
About forty percent of the productions are presented by University groups and departments, including Sheffield University Theatre Company (suTCo), Sheffield University Drama Society (SUDS), the School of English, the French Society, the Hispanic Society and the Department of Music. Other productions are presented by a range of groups from within the local community.
The Drama Studio is provided by The University of Sheffield for the academic needs and recreation of its students, staff and for the benefit of the people of Sheffield and the surrounding community.