Lydia Hooke

Lydia Hooke

Lydia is a graphic design student at Sheffield Hallam University.

From the city’s diverse architecture to its indie shops and art galleries, graphic design student Lydia finds a world of creative inspiration among Sheffield’s streets.

‘I’m doing some coursework about street art, and that has helped me explore sheffield. There’s so much street art, it adds character to the city.

You become familiar with the street artists in Sheffield. My favourite is Florence Blanchard who creates stunning murals. Amazingly, I was once given the opportunity to paint with her.

The film festival DocFest takes place in the city each year and celebrates creatives from all over the world. It’s a place where documentary makers can showcase their work and make those all-important connections.

Also I love to see the latest exhibitions in the city at the Millenium Gallery. You enter the Millennium Gallery through the Winter Garden which is so exotic and tranquil. Small things like that mean so much.’


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