All Event Listings

So much happens in Sheffield every week! This is our comprehensive event listing page for every single event that gets submitted to our website, from small workshops and community events to international sporting fixtures and citywide festivals.

So if you're looking for something specific, please use the filter tags and date search below, to narrow the event listings for what you'd really like to see/find. Alternatively, visit our What's On page for seasonal highlights and roundups of the bigger events happening in Sheffield. 

All Events in Sheffield

Death and the King's Horseman

Set in Nigeria in the late 1940’s and based on a true story, Elesin, the king's horseman, is tasked with carrying out a sacred ritual upon the death of the king, however Elesin is overtaken by the allure of earthly desires.

03 Feb 2025 - 08 Feb 2025

A Streetcar Named Desire

In the sultry back streets of 1940s New Orleans, fading Southern belle Blanche DuBois seeks solace with her estranged sister Stella.

01 Mar 2025 - 29 Mar 2025